Cicero Says ➲ Try for Free!21/10/2021
Cicero Says ➲ Try for Free!1️⃣ Generate Free Legal Documents
2️⃣ Generate Sample Legal Documents
3️⃣ Learn about Blue Ocean Strategy
4️⃣ Learn more about our Create Legal Document Portal
6️⃣ Read our Blog Articles / Free Downloads
7️⃣ Surf our Master Smart List
8️⃣ See how we help our clients prevent Fraud + Litigation
9️⃣ Search for "Virtual Intern" / "PLT Placement"
Instantly create as many free legal documents are you like!
We recommend you start with a very easy free legal document such as our Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) [One Page] Designed for use in Australia
Below is a silent instruction video we created to introduce our Grant of Probate QLD Kit.
You can use this video as a guide (if you have any difficulty) for how to create your own legal documents via our website:
Select from any of our growing library of 140+ Legal Documents.
You can download any of our existing sample legal documents to get an idea of both:
💡 The contents of the particular legal document; as well as to
💡 Assist with fake name + address ideas for generating your own.
➲ Here is our sample for the Free 1-page NDA. which to have some fun we have arranged for Secret Santa to sign the NDA to agree to keep confidential your kids Xmas wish list....
If we already have a PDF sample document you be able to click to view + download it from the RESOURCES area of any Legal Document page.
Please find an example of what you need to be looking for below:
To generate a sample legal document we ask that you use fake names and addresses which are either:
🤿 Inherently funny (with a legal theme); or
🌊 Adopt an ocean / nautical theme.
In our Family Law Binding Financial Agreements, to add some humour we have used Robert (Rob) Mee and Susan (Sue) U.
When a lawyer's name is required, we have often used ⩴ Captain Cicero, which is also the name of our chatbot.
An example of a nautical themed party name we have used is ⩴ Captain Jack Sparrow.
There are no wrong names/addresses.
Please don't be offended if we decide to change the names/addresses you have worked hard to invent.
Save along the way, and you will be sent a link you can use to resume at anytime.
Stop when you arrive at the submit screen and contact us so that we can manually bypass the payment screen to generate the sample.
FAQ's about our Create Legal Document Portal
Authentic8 / Genuin Legal Document Verification
To see work completed by our current / past Virtual Interns / PLT Placements you can search our website for "Virtual Intern" / "PLT Placement" or by searching for their names.
To learn more about Blue Ocean Law Group and what we do differently please read our FAQ's.
➲ Volunteer Virtual Internship + PLT Placement Mentoring
How-To Guides and Resources for Junior Lawyers:
Are you curious to discover more about #NewLaw +/or Blue Ocean Law Group℠?
What will the future of the legal profession look like?
What mindset / skills / ideas do you need to develop?
This blog article lists "Our Top 10 Ideas to Get Started" (see above) + can be implemented by any interested Law Student / Prospective PLT Placement / Junior Lawyer or for that matter any existing, new or prospective Client.
For clarity, you do not need to be a successful applicant for one of our Volunteer Virtual Internships / PLT Placements.
On the contrary, we recommend you complete the above tasks before you consider whether you want to apply to gain experience and be mentored within Blue Ocean Law Group℠.
Social Sharing Image: Courtesy of Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash
Credits: This blog article was written by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.
Important Notice:
This blog article is intended for general interest + information only.
It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.
We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.
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