What does a Virtual Internship involve and how long does it last?

What does a Virtual Intern do at Blue Ocean Law Group?

Collaboration at your Own Direction

At Blue Ocean Law Group you are the architect of how you spend your time as a Virtual Intern.

We only ask that you consider and communicate your preferences so that we collaborate to determine the best way to proceed.

Nearly all Virtual Interns we have had enquire hold a pre-conceived notion that they will be completing traditional legal tasks for traditional clients such as drafting legal documents and conducting legal research.

Whilst this is certainly possible as we do complete traditional legal tasks (for our clients) as required from time to time (as there will always be complex legal tasks that arise which are incapable of any kind of automation) this is not the primary focus at Blue Ocean Law Group and consequently of our Virtual internships.

Virtual Intern Objectives

We aim to provide our Virtual Interns with at least the the following:

⭐️ Freedom to decide what you would like to spend your time on;

⭐️ Beneficial Mentorship;

⭐️ Opportunity to develop deep legal skills across multiple legal jurisdictions in areas of law of interest to you;

⭐️ Legaltech skill development including an iterative development mindset; and

⭐️ Showcase opportunities for your work on our website to help you with your future legal/legal tech career.

In one instance, this blog article which was written by one of our Virtual Interns was of such quality we facilitated publishing the article in Legal Business World.

Learning to be a Proactive Lawyer

The main focus at Blue Ocean Law Group is on proactive lawyering.

This typically involves the automation of [Self-Service] legal documents and the design and construction of online resources including legal wizards, quizzes, brochures, FAQ etc. to support our Clients to help themselves as much as possible.

To be able to embed lawyer logic into each legal process requires a high level of legal sophistication.

Instead of drafting a legal document for an individual Client's circumstances (one at a time) Blue Ocean Law Group proactively consider a large range of potential scenarios across multiple legal jurisdictions then decide upon what how to best distinguish each scenario and what variations are required in the final legal document.

Not all legal matters will be capable of being catered for, however our experience to date has shown that many legal matters will.

Even if the legal matter is not capable of being fully dealt with in this way, automation of the collection and organisation of information pertaining to each legal matter are nearly always made more efficient.

Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future

In the majority of legal matters a solid DRAFT legal document can be generated which can dramatically reduce the overall amount of time and expense involved which directly addresses the "More for Less" challenge laid down by Richard Susskind in his book "Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future" now in it's 3rd edition whilst simultaneously making quality proactive legal services available to those who could not previously afford it.

"Tomorrow's Lawyers identifies new opportunities for lawyers, new ways of helping clients and the community.
It enjoins its readers to become involved in building the systems that will replace outmoded forms of legal work.
It argues that it is both a privilege and an obligation for tomorrow's lawyers to embrace and bring about change.
A must-read for legal undergraduates, aspiring and young lawyers, senior practitioners, leaders in law firms and legal businesses, law professors and law teachers."

Proceeding in this way requires a mammoth effort.

At the same time it represents a huge learning opportunity for our Virtual Interns.

How long does a Virtual Internship last?

We have not set a fixed duration for our Virtual Internships.

Both the amount of work and the timeframe can vary and continue for as long as we are both obtaining value from the arrangement.

How can you Get Started regardless of whether you become a Virtual Intern?

The following links are a great place to start:

FAQ: Volunteer Virtual Internship + PLT Placement Mentoring

Mentee Manual: Our Top 10 Ideas to Get Started!


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.

How do I apply for a Virtual Internship/PLT Placement?

Steps to Decide Whether to Apply ...

1️⃣ Understand What is Involved

We work differently at Blue Ocean Law Group and consequently if we decide to collaborate with you there is a fairly high chance that your time as a Virtual Intern will be nothing like what you currently imagine.

2️⃣ Conduct your Own Due Diligence

Before you spend anytime preparing an email/Cover Letter to apply for a Virtual Internship/PLT Placement we strongly recommend you first conduct an adequate amount of your own due diligence.

We recommend you spend some more time researching us and the work we have had our Virtual Interns complete.

You can view work completed by our Virtual Interns by searching for the term “intern” on our website.  

One of our objectives is to provide our Virtual Interns with an opportunity to work on projects that interest them and allow them to showcase their projects on our website.

In one instance, this blog article which was written by one of our interns was of such quality we facilitated its publication in Legal Business World.

Here are some links to start:

FAQ: Volunteer Virtual Internship + PLT Placement Mentoring

Mentee Manual: Our Top 10 Ideas to Get Started!

3️⃣ Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future

Read Richard Susskind's book "Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future" now in it's 3rd edition.

"Tomorrow's Lawyers identifies new opportunities for lawyers, new ways of helping clients and the community.
It enjoins its readers to become involved in building the systems that will replace outmoded forms of legal work.
It argues that it is both a privilege and an obligation for tomorrow's lawyers to embrace and bring about change.
A must-read for legal undergraduates, aspiring and young lawyers, senior practitioners, leaders in law firms and legal businesses, law professors and law teachers."

4️⃣ Are you an Enterprising + Curious Self-Starter?

Over the last few years, we have worked with a select group of enterprising and curious young lawyers/law students on an unpaid volunteer virtual internship + mentoring basis.

Our Virtual Internships are unstructured.

You will only benefit to the extent that you are enterprising, curious to learn and capable of self-motivation + direction.

5️⃣ Your Preferences

Blue Ocean Law Group CANNOT accomodate any application for a Virtual Internship/PLT Placement that indicates a preference to just do what you are told to do to help us complete traditional legal tasks such as drafting legal documents and conducting legal research for our Clients.

Whilst we do complete traditional legal tasks (for our clients) that arise from time to time, our main focus is on the proactive automation of typical legal documents and the construction of resources including legal wizards, quizzes, FAQ etc. to support our Clients in using these.

What we do involves a much higher level of legal sophistication (a large number of potential variations in the final legal document) and a much broader perspective (multiple legal jurisdictions) than is typically the case for an individual client’s matter.

We embed lawyer logic into each process.

Doing this requires mammoth effort and represents a huge learning opportunity if you decide you would like to contribute.

6️⃣ Try Out What We Currently Offer Our Clients + Prospective Clients for FREE!

The best way to start to understand what is involved in the delivery of proactive legal services is to try out what we currently offer for free via our website.

⭐️ If we have not yet seen any evidence in our systems that you have created any FREE Legal Documents or tried any of our FREE Legal Wizard then your application will be automatically placed on hold. Once you have tried our FREE resources, please contact us to confirm that you still wish to proceed with your application and advise us of any amendments you would like to make to your application.

➲ Perhaps start by trying out our Free Legal Health Check, or our FREE Director ID Wizard.

7️⃣ Prepare + File your Application

If you would like to make an application for a Virtual Internship/PLT Placement to assist us with tasks that you find of interest, that is, "Your Preferences*" then:

➲ Please send an email to jdf@blueocean.law with your Cover Letter attached requesting a Virtual Internship/PLT Placement.

⭐️ Note: Include your C.V. + Academic Transcript.

* We don’t direct you to complete any tasks that you do not feel are of interest to your development as a legal professional.

8️⃣ Informal Interview

If your application is successful, we will contact you to arrange an informal interview.

🔥 BONUS ➲ Questions to Ask Prospective Employers

The following list of questions has been extracted from the 1st edition of "Tomorrow's Lawyer's" chapter entitled "Questions to Ask Prospective Employers". The author warns not to ask all these questions in the one sitting.

We advise that it would be best to pick and choose a few of the most appropriate questions given the results of your due diligence, any concerns you may have and the overall context of the situation.

Potential Questions to Ask a Prospective Employer

➲ Do you have a long-term strategy?

➲ What will legal service look like in 2035?

➲ Are you comforted by other law firms' lack of progress?

➲ What are you preferred approaches to Alternative Sourcing?

➲ What role will IT (Information Technology) play in Law Firms of the Future?

➲ Do you have a Research & Development Capability?

➲ If you could design a Law Firm from scratch, what would it look like?


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.

Is a Virtual Internship open to High School Students?

We CANNOT assist with any requests for traditional High School compliant in-person Work Experience Placement

Our standard response to such requests is as follows:

"Thank you for being so interested in work experience at Blue Ocean Law Group.
Unfortunately, as a small boutique start-up Digital Law Firm we don’t have the capacity to accommodate in-person Work Experience Placements for High School Students.
If you are interested in learning more about the law here is a link to an article I wrote that aims to provide some initial guidance that can be followed anytime online.
We wish you the best in your future career.
Kind regards,"

Learning more about what it means to be a Modern Lawyer at a Digital Law Firm

As Blue Ocean Law Group are a Digital Law Firm it may be possible to alternatively offer a small number of high school students a Virtual Internship.

It is unlikely that a Virtual Internship will be meet the requirements your High School imposes for your Work Experience Placement which typically requires a short intensive full-time in-person placement in a permanent physical office environment.

Nevertheless, if you are still motivated to learn more about what it means to be a lawyer at a modern Digital Law Firm we encourage you to spend time interacting with the FREE legal resources our lawyers have created and made available via our website (via any digital device incl. your mobile phone).

Further, to learn more about our Virtual Internships please read our other FAQ's on the topic.


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.

How do I deal with my uncertain future in the legal profession?

Dealing with Uncertainty

Our advice, if you are apprehensive about the current state of uncertainty in the legal profession job market is to educate yourself about the future.

The future is here now, it is just very unevenly distributed.”  

The more we rely on this quote as a mantra, the more we relinquish our own agency.

It puts us all into the position of living in a future that belongs to someone else and never our own.

The best way to predict the future is to create it!
What does that mean?
The Future… Kind of scary sounding. Full of unknowns. Full of twists and turns. How can you possibly predict it?

The above quote is saying that the best way to know what is coming is to step up to be an active participant in creating the future.

⚖️ Tomorrow's Lawyers

To help you understand what the future of the work in the legal profession might look like we recommend you read Tomorrow’s Lawyers 2nd edition.

➲ The book lists out potential new career paths for lawyers that have not existed previously.

"It invites the next generation of lawyers to harness the power of technology in improving and even overhauling the way in which legal and court service is currently provided."

If you would like to seek an independent opinion please read this review of the book.

🔑 Key Takeaways

It is important to understand that lawyers can increasingly operate + practice from anywhere in the world, and across multiple legal jurisdictions.  

Example: Australian lawyer working for Australian law firm from Canada

When it comes to “behind the scenes” legal support and tech development ➲ there are no geographical limitations perhaps other than language + civil law jurisdictions (where you have been trained in a common law jurisdiction).

🥊 Alternative Dispute Resolution

Learn about the global opportunities emerging in Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Example: This organisation we have not dealt with.. explain the growing opportunities in this space, presumably to help sell their ADR training.  

It is still useful to understand the opportunity.

🚀 Space Law

Think about Space Law ➲ any lawyer from any jurisdiction could theoretically practice in this interesting + expanding area of law.  

The same applies for the increased relevance of International Law in increasingly complex global commercial transactions.

🔗 Smart Contracts / Blockchain-related Law

Other areas of growth to look into Smart Contracts, Blockchain related law, etc.

A Smart Contract is a computer program or a transaction protocol which is intended to automatically execute, control or document legally relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement.

🔒 Privacy Law / Digital Life

Some commentators have stated that Privacy can no longer be expected as surveillance is so widespread Privacy no longer exists.

Our view is that the right to + regulation of Privacy has started and will continue to become a larger part of our increasingly Digital Lives.

It is another major growth area with local companies needing to deal with global Privacy regimes such as the GDPR for their dealings with EU Citizens.

💡 Augmented Reality + AI

Augmented reality + AI are other areas to explore.

Further Reading: FAQ: What lies ahead for the future of the legal profession?


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.

Will Virtual Internships ➲ revert to the office [post-lockdown]?

We use our Sydney CBD Co-Working Spaces (As Required)

From time to time there may be opportunities for Virtual Interns / PLT Placements to attend our Sydney CBD co-working spaces on an ad-hoc basis.

c/- Work Club, L8, 99 Elizabeth Street (opposite NSW Supreme Court), Sydney

c/- Work Club, Ground Floor, 201 Kent Street (near Barangaroo), Sydney

The reasons for these meetings could be many including the following:

✅ Initial Client Meetings;

✅ Face-to-Face Legal Advice;

✅ VOI - Verification of Identity;

✅ Estate Planning - Executing Wills/Power of Attorney/Health Directions, etc.; and/or

✅ Legal Advice prior to signing a Binding Financial Agreement.

Note: Opportunities to attend our Sydney CBD Co-working spaces will depend entirely on our client's needs + preferences.

Opportunities to meet our interstate clients in our Melbourne + Brisbane CBD Co-working spaces will often coincide with mediation/litigation matters.

Some Clients prefer not to meet in the CBD

I met with a client yesterday who specifically requested not to meet in the city for a Verification of Identity matter …

Due to our unique business model which does not include fixed costs for CBD office rent, we were able to accommodate our client's request and meet in a location more convenient for our client.

This ability to offer market-leading client service focused flexibility combined with our online automated processes lead to a 10/10 Client Review.

Florence Guild Events + Team Social

In addition to the above ad-hoc opportunities, there are regular Florence Guild events which are held at Work Club which I recommend Virtual Interns / PLT Placements attend as we can combine a team social before or after the event.


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.

How do I best deal with the challenges of being a lawyer?

Personal Wellbeing ➲ Look After Yourself!

Practising the law is an important and rewarding profession, and at the same time it can be very challenging.

Remote Working Survival Guide

➲ The Remote Working Survival Guide.

Law Cover

The Law Cover Risk Management Education Program aims to provide support and guidance in avoiding or managing many of those challenges.

Law Cover's informative and engaging workshops, seminars, roadshows and briefings are available to their insured law practices and their staff.

NSW Law Society

The Law Society of NSW also aims to alleviate these challenges, particularly in the areas of mental health and wellbeing.

It provides access to confidential counselling through the Solicitor Outreach Service (SOS), and a list of resources that can help lawyers easily find the information they need to overcome both their own personal difficulties as well as those faced by their clients.

Mental Toughness + The Resilient Lawyer

➲ A Manual for Staying Well @ Work (2nd ed. 2020) by Robyn Bradley of RB Counselling & Consultancy Services.


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.

What do you recommend for Law Students / Junior Lawyers?

LinkedIn Groups

The O Shaped Junior Lawyer Group

Slack Groups

Are you familiar with Slack?

Blue Ocean Law Group℠ have a Slack Channel for use by our Volunteer Virtual Interns/PLT Students.

There are many other interesting groups of lawyers + technologists + creatives collaborating using Slack.

Some of the Slack Groups we are a member of are listed here so you can ask him to organise an invite if you are interested:

🔗 Blockchain for Law;

🔗 LegalBlock;

🔗 Kleros;

🔗 Accord Project;

👨‍🎨 Visual Contracts;

👨‍💻 Legal Hackers;

🗺 Legal Transformers.


⚖️ Lawyers Weekly;

⚖️ Legal Business World;

⚖️ Lexon Risk Updates; Follow Lexon on LinkedIn;

⚖️ LawCover scroll down on home page to “Receive our Communications” to subscribe;

⚖️ Practising Law;

⚖️ Tips for Lawyers; and

⚖️ Reddit r/auslaw ➲ Casual discussions of Australian law + Legal Resources Megathread.


⚖️ Australian Computers and the Law (currently free to join);

⚖️ City of Sydney Law Society (if applicable: not sure whether there is a student membership);

⚖️ Digital Law Association (new - under assessment);

⚖️ Law Council of Australia;

⚖️ NSW Young Lawyers Committees (if applicable: Litigation, Animal Law, etc.); and

⚖️ Australian Lawyers’ Alliance.

Note: This FAQ is a work in progress.

Please check back from time to time to review this FAQ for updated information.

We welcome your suggestions for additional useful resources + groups we can recommend to law students / junior lawyers.


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.

How do I live greatly in the law?

You may wonder at times whether you have chosen the right profession?

Others have wondered the same, and they have gone on to become legends within the legal profession.

Not for the positions they have attained, nor the cases they have won, but for the leadership they have shown [by way of example] in living greatly in the law.

HAL WOOTTEN AC QC* [1922-2021]

#Living Greatly in the Law was both his mantra and the title of the 2008 UNSW Law Journal article which publishing extracts from one of his acknowledgments and one of his speeches within the lecture series he started.

His legacy lives on in those who stand on his shoulders.

The introductory paragraphs of the article partly answer the question posed by this FAQ, in that it affirms that it is possible to live greatly in the law!

Over 60 years ago, as a disenchanted law student wondering whether I had made the right choice, I took comfort from the conviction with which Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes had answered a question he imputed to his audience of Harvard undergraduates in 1886. The question was: how can the laborious study of a dry and technical system, the greedy watch for clients and practice of shopkeepers’ arts, the mannerless conflicts over often sordid interests, make outa life? – and he answered it with the ringing declaration that he could say and say no longer with any doubt that a man may live greatly in the law as well as elsewhere
However, to me a great charm of the law as a vocation lies in the varieties and combinations of ways it offers to men and women to live greatly – as thinkers, as scholars, as teachers, as counsellors and advisers, as advocates, as judges, as arbitrators, and fact-finders, as people who take their legal training with its skills and values into journalism, politics, business, administration, literature or service of the international community, to name but some of the spheres where we find men and women recognisable as lawyers.

# These are excerpts from two speeches delivered at the University of New South Wales. The first excerpt is taken from Hal Wootten’s acknowledgment of the second Hal Wootten Lecture given by The HonMichael McHugh AC QC on 23 August 2007. The second excerpt is taken from Hal Wootten's speech at a gathering of the University of New South Wales Law School's foundation students on 27 February2008. They have been recorded here for the valuable insight they provide into the role, importance and potential of the law, the legal profession and legal education.

* Emeritus Professor and foundation Dean and professor of the University of New South Wales LawSchool 1969–73. Hal Wootten AC QC [1922-2021] was later a judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales 1973–83 and a Visiting Professor at the Law School.

The following is extracted from the Justice Reform Initiative website:

By Justice Reform Initiative, 3 August 2021
We are saddened to hear of the death of our patron Emeritus Professor Hal Wootten AC QC, who passed away last week.
Professor Wootten was a leading figure in Australian legal circles for decades, serving as founding Dean of the University of NSW’s Faculty of Law & Justice in 1971 before moving to the Supreme Court of New South Wales, where he sat on the bench for a decade.
As one of the Commissioners leading the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody from 1987 to 1991, he made a significant contribution in calling out the egregious wrongs committed on the First Nations peoples of this country.
In addition to his judicial work, he helped to establish and run the first Aboriginal Legal Service, and also served as a Deputy President of the Native Title Tribunal between 1994-97.
He continued to work throughout his life in a diverse range of roles, showing tireless dedication to the cause of justice.
The Justice Reform Initiative’s executive director Dr Mindy Sotiri said Professor Wootten, who would have turned 99 in December, had been an energetic and passionate advocate for the much-needed reform of Australia’s criminal justice system.
“We deeply appreciate Professor Wootten’s support and the remarkable intellect and vigour he brought to our work,” she said. “On behalf of all our patrons, and the many Australians who share his desire to build a different kind of justice system, we send our condolences to Professor Wootten’s family and many friends.”


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.

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