How do FIDO® compliant passkeys work to replace traditional passwords with a more secure and user-friendly alternative?

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What are passkeys?

"Passkeys are a modern authentication technology designed to replace traditional passwords with a more secure and user-friendly alternative."

Passkeys are revolutionizing online security by offering a safer and more convenient alternative to traditional passwords.

This innovative authentication method uses public-key cryptography and biometric verification to provide a seamless login experience across devices and platforms.

Unlike passwords, passkeys are resistant to phishing attacks and data breaches, making them a promising solution to many common cybersecurity challenges.

As major tech companies and websites increasingly adopt this technology, understanding how passkeys work is becoming essential for both users and developers in our increasingly digital world.

Here's how passkeys work:

Key Components of Passkeys

Passkeys rely on several key components to function effectively and securely.

The table below outlines the essential elements that make up the passkey authentication system:

Source: Perplexity AI Page curated by James D. Ford

These components work together to create a secure, user-friendly authentication system.

The public-private key pair forms the cryptographic foundation, while the authenticator and biometric/PIN verification ensure that only the authorized user can access the passkey.

The WebAuthn API facilitates integration with websites and apps, and synchronization services enhance convenience by allowing passkey use across multiple devices

Public-Private Key Cryptography:

Passkeys use asymmetric cryptography, generating a unique pair of cryptographic keys for each account:

  1. A public key stored on the server
  2. A private key securely stored on the user's device

Biometric or PIN Authentication:

Users verify their identity using:

  1. Biometrics (fingerprint, facial recognition)
  2. Device PIN
  3. Pattern unlock

How passkeys Function

Account Creation:

  1. When setting up an account, the device generates a public-private key pair.
  2. The public key is sent to and stored on the server.
  3. The private key remains securely on the user's device.

Login Process:

  1. The server sends a challenge to the user's device.
  2. The device prompts the user for biometric/PIN authentication.
  3. Upon successful local authentication, the device signs the challenge with the private key.
  4. The signed challenge is sent back to the server.
  5. The server verifies the signature using the stored public key.

Cross-Device Usage:

  1. Passkeys can be synced across devices using secure cloud services (e.g., iCloud Keychain, Google Password Manager).
  2. Users can authenticate on new devices by approving the login on a trusted device nearby.

Passkeys function through a combination of cryptographic processes and user authentication methods.

The table below outlines the key steps involved in passkey creation and authentication:

Source: Perplexity AI Page curated by James D. Ford

This process ensures secure, passwordless authentication without transmitting sensitive information. The use of public-key cryptography and local biometric verification provides a robust defense against common security threats while simplifying the user experience.

Security Benefits

Passkeys offer significant security advantages over traditional passwords, addressing many common vulnerabilities in online authentication.

The table below highlights key security benefits of passkey technology:

Source: Perplexity AI Page curated by James D. Ford

These security enhancements make passkeys a robust solution for protecting user accounts and sensitive information. By leveraging public key cryptography and local device authentication, passkeys significantly reduce the attack surface for common cyber threats, providing a more secure online experience for users and organizations alike.

User Experience Improvements

Source: Google

Passkeys offer significant improvements to the user experience compared to traditional passwords.

The table below highlights key user experience enhancements provided by passkey technology:

Source: Perplexity AI Page curated by James D. Ford

These improvements address many common frustrations associated with traditional passwords, such as forgetting credentials or dealing with password resets. By leveraging familiar device authentication methods, passkeys provide a more intuitive and efficient login experience across various services and applications . This enhanced usability, combined with improved security, makes passkeys an attractive option for both users and service providers looking to streamline authentication processes.

Implementation and Support

  • Major platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, macOS) and browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) support passkeys.
  • Websites and apps need to implement passkey support, which is growing but not yet universal.

Passkeys represent a significant advancement in online security, offering a balance between enhanced protection and user convenience.

As adoption increases, they are poised to become the standard for online authentication, potentially replacing traditional passwords in the near future.

FIDO® Compliance

Passkeys are built on the WebAuthentication (WebAuthn) standard, which is part of the FIDO2 specifications.

This means that all passkeys adhere to the FIDO® Alliance's standards for secure, passwordless authentication.

The FIDO® (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance is an open industry association launched in February 2013 with the mission of developing and promoting authentication standards to reduce reliance on passwords.

Source: Perplexity AI Page curated by James D. Ford

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It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

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