What do you recommend for Law Students / Junior Lawyers?

Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
New Zealand
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
All Australian States + Territories
U.S. Federal Law

LinkedIn Groups

The O Shaped Junior Lawyer Group

Slack Groups

Are you familiar with Slack?

Blue Ocean Law Group℠ have a Slack Channel for use by our Volunteer Virtual Interns/PLT Students.

There are many other interesting groups of lawyers + technologists + creatives collaborating using Slack.

Some of the Slack Groups we are a member of are listed here so you can ask him to organise an invite if you are interested:

🔗 Blockchain for Law;

🔗 LegalBlock;

🔗 Kleros;

🔗 Accord Project;

👨‍🎨 Visual Contracts;

👨‍💻 Legal Hackers;

🗺 Legal Transformers.


⚖️ Lawyers Weekly;

⚖️ Legal Business World;

⚖️ Lexon Risk Updates; Follow Lexon on LinkedIn;

⚖️ LawCover scroll down on home page to “Receive our Communications” to subscribe;

⚖️ Practising Law;

⚖️ Tips for Lawyers; and

⚖️ Reddit r/auslaw ➲ Casual discussions of Australian law + Legal Resources Megathread.


⚖️ Australian Computers and the Law (currently free to join);

⚖️ City of Sydney Law Society (if applicable: not sure whether there is a student membership);

⚖️ Digital Law Association (new - under assessment);

⚖️ Law Council of Australia;

⚖️ NSW Young Lawyers Committees (if applicable: Litigation, Animal Law, etc.); and

⚖️ Australian Lawyers’ Alliance.

Note: This FAQ is a work in progress.

Please check back from time to time to review this FAQ for updated information.

We welcome your suggestions for additional useful resources + groups we can recommend to law students / junior lawyers.


This FAQ was created by James D. Ford GAICD | Principal Solicitor, Blue Ocean Law Group℠.

Important Notice:

This FAQ is intended for general interest + information only.

It is not legal advice, nor should it be relied upon or used as such.

We recommend you always consult a lawyer for legal advice specifically tailored to your needs & circumstances.